Taller Oceanográfico Sentimental
Premiere on the peninsulaFamily / No words / 15' / Italy
03/05/2024 - 10.30 h, 11.15 h y 12 h - Pl. La Llotja - Professional
04/05/2024 - 11 h, 11.45 h, 12.30 h, 13.15 h, 17 h, 17.45 h, 18.30 h and 19.15 h - Pl. Catedral - Gratis
05/05/2024 - 11 h, 11.45 h, 12.30 h, 13.15 h, 17 h, 17.45 h, 18.30 h and 19.15 h - Pl. Catedral - Gratis
Spatula, wheel and wave show for seven travellers in the theatre caravan. Fifteen minutes of freediving to understand the depth of the sea, because thought, like the ocean, cannot be blocked. All of us, from Ulysses to Noah, to Aylan, have crossed the water in search of life.
Authorship, direction, casting and puppets design Luca Salata Production Compagnia Samovar |
Chiara Martini Via Teatro 38065 Mori (Italy) Tel: 0039 347 153 8558 samovar@live.it www.compagniasamovar.it Facebook: compagnia samovar Instragram: @compagnia samovar |