Andrés Beladíez

Inteligencia artificial, laberintos difusos y otras historias cibernéticas
Absolute Premiere
Juvenile / Spanish / 40' / Castella La Manxa / Entrades
06/05/2023 - 12.15 h / 14 h / 16 h / 19 h - Sala Alfred Perenya - 8€


Artificial intelligence, vague mazes and other cybernetic stories is a show that, through the use of artificial intelligence techniques, 3D models and theater of objects, talks us about ourselves, our doubts, our fears and obsessions, the place we occupy and our sense, if it exists, in a dehumanized world where the current economic models impose a culture of consumerism and competition that distances us, more and more, from the welfare state.

Authorship, production, direction, music and dising 3D
Andrés Beladíez
virtual actors
Languages available
Spanish and english

Andrés Beladíez
C/ Tomás Camarillo, 11D
19005 Guadalajara
Tel. 0034 616 243 813
Facebook: beladiez
Instragram: @chirivitas