centre de titelles de lleida

¿Dónde vas, Moby Dick?
Family / Spanish / 50' / Spain
Fira Online - Professional
Tim loves to see the sea. Therefore, whenever he can, visits his grandmother in her fishing village. There he will meet Kalin, a girl of his age, who will tell him the story of Moby Dick. Playing and blowing the imagination, Tim and Kalin will relive the adventures of the great white whale to free herself from Captain Ahab's harpoons and continue swimming free in the 7 seas.

Author, direction and puppets design
Joan-Andreu Vallvé
Centre de Titelles de Lleida
Albert Garcia Clara Olmo
Music and animations
Bernat Vallvé
Available languages
Catalan and spanish

Centre de Titelles de Lleida
Plaça de l’Hort de Santa Teresa, 1
25002 Lleida
Tel: 0034 973 270 249
Facebook: CentreDeTitellesLLeida
Twitter: @Titelleslleida
Instagram: @Titelleslleida